Paluma running camp
When someone mentions running in Paluma I personally think of adventure, rainforest and total immersion within nature! While running there alone could be someone's nightmare, running as a group is immense fun... plus you can spot leeches on each other's legs!
Nine Hungry Runners headed to Paluma last Friday afternoon, for three days of running. We stayed at the Outer Limits adventure center and had the chance to be guided by Sam, he took us through the nicest trails and shared the history associated with some locations. We ran about 40-45km through the weekend (6-7hr).
On Friday we ran a 1hr circuit around Paluma village, with a stop at Cloudy Creek and a swim at Ethel falls. It was a great introduction to the weekend.
Saturday Morning we went on a longer adventure, first through a freshly refurbished trail (old logging road) that took us through cloudy creek, Ethel falls and then Forgotten falls where we stopped for a swim.
After lunch we had a run on the high ropes course set up by Outer Limits, high adrenaline, great fun!
Saturday Afternoon we went for a short but very steep run to triple falls. The swimming hole is spectacular and is the real rainforest swimming experience!
Sunday morning we did our longest run, an amazing track that took us from Paluma village to the Dam. 15km of thick rainforest. The detour to Crystal creek falls lagoon was great, for the views and to have a fresh swim.
Thanks, everyone, this was a great weekend. Plus we all discovered Wordle... a highlight!
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